Microsoft is hosting their professional developer conference in Los Angeles this year and my company has graciously agreed to send me to the event! I haven’t been to one of these since 1997, so I’m looking forward to getting a fresh look at how Microsoft sees the desktop over the next few years, both in application and web development.

I’ll be arriving in Los Angeles on Monday, September 12th, after which I’ll hit the convention site to get my badge, bag and materials. At that point, I’ll likely loiter around looking for coworkers and such and then hit the hotel for some rest before the first day of brainwashing, er, I mean training.

If it’s anything like that last time I was in Los Angeles for Tech Ed 95, it should be a blast. More than enough information all day long and great evening activities to cool off the brain for the next day of sessions. It may not be able to compete with San Diego PDC 97, but you can’t compare the gorgeous weather of San Diego to anything else in the continental USA.

If anyone reading this is going, send me a note or make a comment and I’ll keep an eye out for you come September.